Enrolment -

Please read these instructions before completing the form.
  • If you wish to return to the form prior to submitting please scroll to the bottom and check the 'Remember me on this computer'.
  • Red star questions are required 
  • For any assistance please email [email protected]
Enrolment Information
The student's academic year level at entry
Student Details

The 'preferred name' is what the child would like to be known as, at school.  -

First name
Middle name/s
Last name
Please enter the student's legal name as it appears on their Birth Certificate.
First name
Middle name/s
Last name
Select gender
The name of the school currently being attended
Residence A / Primary Contact Details*

The child’s ‘Primary Residence’ is where the child mostly lives.  

If there is a 50/50 custody arrangement, the caregivers must decide who to list under the main residence. 

If caregivers live at different addresses, please tick 'Student has another residence' and enter the details for the secondary caregiver.

All caregivers (primary and secondary) will be entitled to the same information and access. Caregivers are treated equally, except statements (fees) and absentee text messages, which will be sent to the primary caregiver unless other arrangements have been agreed to.

Please type your primary residence addresss in the above address search
Street number and name
Rural Delivery
Post Code

Residence A - Caregiver 1

e.g. 022 123 4567
e.g. 07 123 4567
e.g. 07 123 4567
e.g. Teacher at Fraser High School
Relationship to the student

Residence A - Caregiver 2

e.g. 022 123 4567
e.g. 07 123 4567
e.g. 07 123 4567
e.g. Teacher at Fraser High School
Relationship to the student
Please tick if the student resides at another address at times
Health Details

To enable the school to provide optimal care in the event of illness or injury, could you please complete the following details. This information will be shared with the Medical Practitioners within the school and will be entered onto the school database.

For any allergies please state the reaction to the allergy.

If any prescription medicines need to be given to the student at school, they will need an appointment with the school doctor to discuss this. Please email the Hauora Centre as soon as possible to make this appointment.

List any medical problems including hearing, allergies and diagnosed conditions
List any additional learning support, needs or requirements this student may have
Emergency Contact

This must be a different person to the caregivers listed above and who lives in Hamilton, preferably close to Fraser High School.

Emergency contacts will not be able to contact the school and ask for information or have access to your child without your permission. 

We may phone emergency contacts in an urgent situation (sickness/injury) after we have been unable to reach all other caregivers provided. We will only provide information and access they require to deal with that situation.

Emergency Contact 1
e.g. 022 123 4567
e.g. 07 123 4567
e.g. Teacher at Fraser High School
e.g. Grandmother
Emergency Contact 2
e.g. 07 123 4567
e.g. 022 123 4567
e.g. Grandfather
Special Interests

This is optional.


This enrolment application cannot be accepted without the following:

1. A copy of the students Full Birth Certificate

2. A copy of the students Immunisation status

3.   For students born overseas, a current passport with the appropriate visa or Certificate of Citizenship. 

4. Proof that you (parent, guardian, or caregiver), live within our School Zone. A recent (within the last two months) document showing your name and address, e.g. power, sky account.

5. If the student is not living with their parents or legal caregivers, proof of guardianship is required (e.g. Letter from parent/guardian permitting the student to live with the person named on the enrolment form).

6. Court Documents - If you have any court orders, e.g. custody, guardianship, or protection orders, please bring these documents to the enrolment interview.

Select only Images, PDFs or Word Documents.
Maximum file size: 8MB's

Once you have submitted your student's enrolment application you will receive a message saying that this enrolment has been saved. This actually means that the application has been sent. 

Please note that your application could be delayed if you have not attached the correct documents as listed above.

A confirmation email will be sent once the application is checked. You will then be contacted by the Enrolment Officer for an enrolment interview.